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/play <link> <shuffle> <loop> <priority> - Plays a song from YouTube or spotify playlist. If it's not a valid link, it will insert into the queue the first result for the given query.

  • shuffle if set to true, it will shuffle the playlist.
  • loop if set to true, it will loop the playlist.
  • priority if set to true, it will insert the song at the top of the queue.

/playlist <link> <shuffle> <loop> <priority> - Same as play, but accepts YouTube playlist

/skip - Skips the currently playing song

/clear - Clears the entire queue

/pause - Pauses currently playing song

/resume - Resumes current song

/queue - Prints the currently playing song and the next songs

/disconnect - Disconnect the bot from the voice channel

/restart - Restarts the bot (works only for the bot owner, see config.yml)

/addcustom <custom_command> <song/playlist> <loop> - Creates a custom command to play a song or playlist. Set loop to true to play the song looped

/rmcustom <custom_command> - Removes a custom command from the DB

/listcustom - Lists all custom commands for the current server

/custom <custom_command> <priority> - Calls a custom command

/stats - Stats, like latency, and the size of the local cache

/goto <time> - Skips to a given time. Valid formats are: 1h10m3s, 3m, 4m10s...

/stream <link> <priority> - Streams a song from the given URL, useful for radios

/update <link> <info> <song> - Next time the song <link> is played, the bot will (if set to true):

  • <info> - Update info about the song, like thumbnail, segments from SponsorBlock, title...
  • <song> - Re-downloads the entire song

/blacklist <user> - Adds or remove a person from the bot blacklist

/dj - Enables or disable DJ mode for the current server, only users with the DJ role can use the bot

/djrole <role> - Sets the DJ role for the current server

/djroletoggle <user> - Adds or removes the DJ role from the given user